article VirtualBox vm administration virtual disk image linux mac osx ubuntu

Resizing a Ubuntu VirtualBox VDI on OSX

I often underestimate the amount of disk space needed when creating and using a VirtualBox vm, but luckily for me it's not too hard to expand them. Here's how.

First, shutdown your VM. From your host OS, in this case OSX, run the following command with appropriate arguments replaced.

$ /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxManage modifyhd "[path to vdi]" --resize [Size in MB]

After that, boot your Ubuntu VM back up. Run the following command from a terminal window running on the VM.

$ fdisk [path to disk device]

From the fdisk REPL print partitions.

> p

Your primary partition may have a swap partition between it and the new unallocated space that you wish to extend it with. If this is the case. You will need to delete said partition. Find the number corresponding to the blocking partition in the list printed by the command above. Then use the following command to delete it.

> d [ number of swap/ext partition ]

Exit fdisk, and save your changes. After that reboot the VM. If you don't already have it installed, go ahead and fetch gparted.

$ sudo apt-get install gparted
$ gparted

Use gparted to resize your remaining primary partition, and reboot!

article robotics hardware assembly neural networks ml

Autonomous Car

Robotics has been an interest of mine ever since I was a child, but much to my regret my attention was diverted towards video game development for much of my teens and early twenties. However, in my mid twenties my attention was again grabbed by robotics. And thanks to Sparkfun's AVC, I was given a real goal to pursue. Navigating a race course un-aided by local navigational beacons or other such techniques that make navigation much easier. I've made several attempts, and failed many times, but learned a lot along the way.



To start out, I began with an old RC car that I raced as a kid. I fit it with a RaspberryPi model A+ as the brain, a GPS module that the PI could talk to over UART, one of the PI Camera modules and an LSM9DS0 motion sensing board. It was a bit of a shotgun approach in sensor choice, little did I know, but each would present their own challenges. My initial idea was to use the LSM9DS0 to determine heading, the GPS module to determine location, and the camera to detect obstacles. I first started by writing some C programs to interface with the LSM9DS0, had some initially promising results.


In a controlled environment (my house) after writing some code to perform calibration and interface with the servos, I got it to work 'perfectly'. However, I quickly learned in the real world it wasn't that simple. Here's it's first run outside.


In that video, the car was attempting to drive in a straight line, and doing a rather drunken job of it. At that time it had been relying on the magnetometer's readings alone. Which I came to the conclusion must have been interfered with. In that video, I was atop a parking structure, made of concrete that undoubtedly contained rebar and steel structure for reinforcement. So I figured the magnetic fields from those ferrous materials probably were the cause of the regular, wobbly heading.


In response, I spent quite a bit of time working on trying to mitigate the influence of magnetic interference by trying to weight it's measurement by the angular velocity measured by the gyro. Again, I was able to make it work fairly well in a controlled environment, but not so much in reality. I came to find that I was in a constant balancing act between the noise of the gyro and corrupted heading from the magnetometer.

It was around this time that I began noticing the shortcomings of civilian GPS. I was working on a waypointing system that the car could blindly drive to. The waypoints were defined as simple lat-lon coordinates either by driving over a course first, or by setting them from a companion app I had developed to run on my phone. It was at this time that I began to notice the inaccuracy. In this video, the car is trying to seek my phone which is acting as a beacon. While it does follow, it's response is quite sluggish.


It was after doing some research, I discovered that civilian GPS receivers are really only accurate to about 8 meters, which just simply wouldn't cut it on the kind of course that I had planned to navigate. The lanes weren't even that wide. I looked into some possible solutions like averaging readings from several GPS receivers, but ultimately decided that they weren't the right tool for the job. So... I hoped this would be...

Rotary Encoder

I built a rotary encoder module that interfaced with the drivetrain of the car. This module would count wheel rotations, and since I knew how big the wheels are I could determine the distance traveled between each rotation. However, after introducing the rotary encoder, the heading accuracy issues began to rear their ugly heads again. I was attempting to do deadreckoning to allow the car to locate itself.

Deadreckoning is a means of locating yourself in the world by keeping track of the direction you're pointing, and how far you've travelled. Think of a pirate's map, "100 paces to the east, 15 more to the north east and then X marks the spot". Keeping track of paces and direction is effectively what I was attempting to do with direction and wheel rotations. Of course, this too had issues...


Above is a video of it driving an oval, while it does a seemingly good job driving the path, it's too short a distance to be a good measure of performance. What this video is hiding is the accumulation of error that would be fatal to the run over a longer period of time.

The last sensing attempt I made was to use a low-cost range finder paired with my dead reckoning code to detect obstacles ahead, and course correct appropriately. I had planned on achieving this by sweeping the range finder side to side on a turret to generate a plane of distance measurements from which to infer obstacle nearness and position.


This too had a few serious problems. I was using an R/C servo to drive the turret for the range finder, unfortunately (without modification) R/C servos have no feedback mechanism that you can tap into directly so that you can measure its angle. Instead, I had tell the servo to move to the next angle, and wait some time in hopes that it would be at the right position when the measurement is made. I had to strike a balance between bandwidth and scanning accuracy. The other problem that I wasn't counting on at all I didn't experience until race day. That was the fact that the hay boundary of the course seemed to scatter the light from the range finder, such that no readings were reliable in any way...

Time was up, and needless to say the race I had been preparing for didn't go so smoothly, but I learned what didn't work and how to better go about things in the future. On the way back to Michigan from Colorado I wrote this post, to document some of the things I learned.


Taking what I learned from my failures in v1 I sought to give it another try by starting fresh. Here are the major problems I identified and how I was planning to solve them.

Program architecture

The program architecture in v1 was poor. The system was not modular, rather the project compiled as one monolithic executable that did everything. This made containment of bugs, experimentation and expansion of functionality difficult.

What I chose to do instead this time around was Influenced by the UNIX philosophy of having each program do one thing well. Thus split the system into several different programs that perform as few actions as possible. Here is an example of how this turned out.

$ collector -i -a | predictor -r/media/training/0.route

In this example the collector program is run from the command line. collector, as the name implies, collects sensor data, processes it if needed then forwards it to the predictor program which then tries to decided what to do based on the given input.

This pipeline architecture also made debugging much easier, as you could easily visualize the system state by appending the viewer program to the end of the pipeline. Also the separation of concerns in the codebase made the programs much easier to manage.

Dead-reckoning error accumulation

In my post-mortem thoughts about v1, there were a few prospective issues I saw with my approach to dead-reckoning. First was timing. Dead reckoning is basically one continuous integral, and I had written my code such that change in time wasn't factored in properly. Essentially the program controlling the car ran whenever it had a chance. Which meant the time step between each integration step of dead reckoning was random. The way I planned to solve that was by taking advantage of the Raspian scheduler and fixing the deadreckoning code's time-step.

// Use the round-robin real-time scheduler
// with a high priority
struct sched_param sch_par = {
	.sched_priority = 50,
assert(sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, &sch_par) == 0);

The code above tells the linux scheduler to schedule the collector process using the round-robin soft-realtime scheduler.

// Run exclusively on the 4th core
cpu_set_t* pose_cpu = CPU_ALLOC(1);
CPU_SET(3, pose_cpu);
size_t pose_cpu_size = CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(1);
assert(sched_setaffinity(0, pose_cpu_size, pose_cpu) == 0);

Since v2 utilized a RaspberryPi 3 there are 4 cores to utilize, this code forced the OS to run the dead-reckoning thread on the 4th core exclusively to avoid interruption by other processes.

Lastly, I introduced what I termed 'time gating'. The premise being that some code is allowed T time to run, where T should be some interval at least as long as the expected runtime in the worst case. You begin a timer just before the code starts running. When it finishes, t time has passed. You then simply wait T - t longer, then start again. This way your time-step remains fixed for each execution of that code.

Another concession I made was a motion sensor change. I later found an IMU called the BNO055 which wasn't just a gyro, mag, accelerometer combo, but also included a Cortex M0 to perform sensor fusion on the chip itself. I had high hopes that the engineers at Bosch had it figured out better than myself. BNO055 Breakout from Adafruit

Computer vision

Another thing I focused on more heavily was the use of vision to detect obstacles or goals. The designers of the race colored obstacles red, and some goals either green or blue. The color model of the camera I was using YuYv which separates the chroma (color) from the luma (light intensity) of the image. So cuing on simple colors is made much easier, as shading has less affect on the color represented in the frame.

I wrote a simple algorithm that looked at 'good' and 'bad' colors within some tolerance and added up the amount of 'goodness' for each column of the camera frame. Steering toward the least bad region.


I had also been interested in trying to use stereo vision to deduce obstacle distance and location, however I quickly abandoned that approach when I found the camera in the photo above was actually two separate USB cameras. This was a fatal flaw. For stereo vision to work correctly (especially on a moving platform) the left and the right cameras must capture their frames at the same time. Such that the position of a particular pixel lies on the same plane in both frames. The two separate cameras made that impossible.

Machine Learning

One of the stretch goals I had for v2 was to implement an end-to-end machine learning model that took in raw sensor data, and output steering and throttle commands. To do this, I needed some way to record raw PWM signals for the steering servo and the speed controller. I went down a month long rabbit hole of designing, programming and building a device that sits between the RC receiver and the servos. I used the Parallax propeller as the MCU and programmed it in propeller assembly. I called it the PWM-logger


I wrote an i2c slave driver for the logger that allows a companion computer (RaspberryPi, Arduino, etc) to control it's behavior. It could be put into two modes 'echo' and 'no echo'. Echo mode measures the PWM signal for each channel stores the reading in a register and passes it through to the servo. That allows you to drive it remotely like a normal RC car. While you're driving, the companion computer would be recording all the sensor inputs as well as the throttle and steering outputs.

Recording movement

That way a datasets for training, dev, and testing could be created. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to utilize this work to it's fullest potential before the competition came. Despite that it was a great experience. This was the first time I had prototyped designed and fabricated my own hardware, as well as using an assembly language to solve a real problem.



Despite some serious improvements, v2 still ended in failure. The big problem again ended up being deadreckoning. The BNO055 did produce interference free orientations, but it suffered from some of the same problems that my sensor fusion algorithms did in v1. Namely that the filters I had configured for it were sluggish, but also there were some strange bugs with the BNO's sensor fusion. It's orientation would occasionally 'twitch' and output a massive change, before returning to an orientation much closer to that of the previous time step.

The computer vision approach actually worked for the obstacles that I had calibrated it for, but unfortunately the car rarely made it far enough to take advantage of that win.



Third time is the charm right? This time I didn't feel the need to totally throw away what I had built in the previous version. Much of the architecture was pretty solid, so instead I decided to improve upon it.

Count your losses

The first thing I did was abandon deadreckoning. Deadreckoning is ignorant about surroundings, thus isn't very capable of recovering from a mishap, or collision. Instead I opted to go for a purely vision based approach.

Do one thing well

I took the UNIX philosophy further and split programs up even more. Now invoking the system looks something like this.

$ collector | predictor -f | actuator

I removed the servo and throttle controls from the predictor program and moved them to actuator. In addition to expanding the pipeline, I spent more time on error handling and writing reusable components for the suite of programs.

Seeing clearly

The algorithm I had devised in v2 for steering around colored obstacles worked fairly well itself, the thing that really needed improvement was the algorithm that detected what patches of the image were 'bad' and what ones were 'good'.

This finally sent me down a machine learning path, but not the end-to-end approach that I originally anticipated. For v3 I fairly successfully trained a fully-connected single layer neural network which classifies small 16x16 pixel patches as either 0: unknown, 1: hay, or 2: asphalt. Unknown and hay both count negatively against the 'goodness' of a column of the image, where asphalt is scored positively. You'll see below in the simulation section, the approach is fairly robust. Even when the classifier isn't confident about what it's looking at.


Me driving in the simulator

Another game changer that I finally undertook was writing a simulator that could be controlled by the pipeline of programs. The simulator behaves in exactly the same way as the collector program. Outputting an identical payload over stdout to predictor. In turn the simulator also creates a UNIX socket file that actuator can write to, thus controlling the simulated car's actions in the next time-step. The full simulation can be run by creating a pipeline like this.

$ sim | predictor -f | actuator -f | viewer

Which will display a visualization of how predictor is classifying different patches of the image and where it is steering.

Software driving the simulator

So far things are looking good, but there's still more work to be done. Stay tuned!

article linux fedora user x11 keyboard keymap

Keymaps on the Purism Librem13

I ordered a Purism Librem 13 laptop about 6 months ago because I was looking for a Linux first machine. I was doing some embedded linux work at the time, and my client's build/dev environments were setup specifically for Fedora. So I swapped out the SSD, installed Fedora and quickly found that the keyboard layouts were flawed for this machine.

The ', |' key on the Librem were mapped to '<' and '>' which made writting C++ and using linux as it's intended extremely annoying.

The Fix

First I had to find the keycode that the key corresponded to, I found the following command in some X11 documentation which proved useful.

$ xev | awk -F'[ )]+' '/^KeyPress/ { a[NR+2] } NR in a { printf "%-3s %s\n", $5, $8 }'

Within an X11 session, that brings up a window which allows you to type, see the keycode and the symbol bound to that key. I quickly found that my problem key was keycode 94.

After some grepping, I found that the key being bound to that keycode was in /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev so I had to dive into X11's keyboard database and change the following

$ cd /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes
$ sudo vim evdev

From within evdev I changed the binding for 94 to <BKSL> = 94; and then commented out any other assignments or aliases to <BKSL> in that file. After restarting my X11 session my keyboard again worked as intended!

article gdb C programming system mac macos osx debugger fix

Codesigning GDB on macOS

When I first started using a Mac for most of my work and personal projects, I was pretty upset that the gnu debugger didn't work out of the box. The error shouted by it was met with a myriad of bunk solutions online, so for a while I forwent using it entirely. However, after giving searching another go sometime later I came across this gem of a fix!

article unix linux system fork daemon service

Creating a Unix Daemon

To quote Wikipedia,

In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon (/ˈdiːmən/ or /ˈdeɪmən/)[1] is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user.

In practice daemons are used any time a service needs to be accessible at a moment's notice. A good example would be a server applicaion. A server spends most of it's time sitting, waiting, for a request or connection that could come at any time; then honoring that request as quickly as possible.

Recently I created my first daemon, a TCP server for uploading gps data to the computer on a robot. So I wanted to document what I learned.

Here's how to create a minimal Unix daemon in C.

#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

int main()
	// When you start the daemon initially the process that is spawned
	// is attached to the user's current session. So the first a child
	// process is spawned. fork() accomplishes this. From this point on you
	// can think of your program now existing as two processes, both of which
	// just finished executing the line below. One of these processes is the
	// parent, the other is the child
	pid_t pid = fork();

	if(pid > 0){
		printf("parent: the daemon's pid is %d\n", pid);
		return -1; // the parent has nothing else to do, simply exit
	else if(pid < 0){
		// if the pid returned is -1, then the fork() failed.
		printf("parent: and the daemon failed to start (%d).\n", errno);
		return -2;

	// if the pid is 0 then this process is the child
	// setsid() makes the process the leader of a new session. This is the
	// reason we had to fork() above. Since the parent was already the process
	// group leader creating another session would fail.
	if(setsid() < 0){
		printf("daemon: I failed to create a new session.\n");
		return -3;

	// when the child is spawned all its' properties are inherited from
	// the parent including the working directory as shown below
	char workingDirectory[256];
	char* wd = getwd(workingDirectory);
	printf("daemon: current working directory is '%s'\n", wd);

	// change the working directory appropriately. (to root for example)
	wd = getwd(workingDirectory);
	printf("daemon: new current working directory is '%s'\n", wd);

	// close whatever file descriptors might have been
	// inherited from the parent, such as stdin stdout
	for(int i = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); i--;){

	// stdio is closed, you won't hear anything more from the daemon
	printf("daemon: now I'm silent!\n");

	// like everything else, file permissions are also inherited from the
	// parent process. This is an octal number which follows the chmod
	// pattern. The default value is 022. (write access for owner only)

	// keep the daemon alive for 10 seconds.
	// here is where you would actually do some work :)

	return 0;
article unix linux system fork socket udp 0 fd file file descriptor network

Duplicated File Descriptors and system()

For the last month or so I've been pretty heavily invested in building and programming an autonomous R/C car for Sparkfun's AVC. I decided to use a Raspberry Pi Model A+ as my embedded platform with an Arch Arm distro installed on it. All had been going quite well until I started working on the control software.

The Problem

Some time ago I stumbled across a fantastic driver written by richardghirst for the Raspberry Pi called servoblaster. Essentially, this driver enables the configuration and use of the Pi's GPIO header pins as PWM outputs. In other words, it allows you to easily drive R/C servos from the Pi with no additional hardware! This was exactly what I was looking for. There were two implementations of the driver, one kernel level, and another user level. richardghirst recommended the user level, so I decided to heed his suggestion.

At this time I began working on a simple UDP server that would run on the Pi. The server would allow me to control the car remotely over WiFi. This is what the beginning of that server looked like.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// open socket, setup sockaddr_in structure
	int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
	struct sockaddr_in addr = { };
	addr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
	addr.sin_port        = htons(atoi(argv[1]));
	addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

	printf("Setup using port %d\n", ntohs(addr.sin_port)); // say what port

	assert(sock > 0); // sanity check

	// bind the process to the desired port
	int res = bind(sock, (const struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
	assert(res >= 0); // sanity check

	// start up the control module, and servoblaster

	// ...

In the function call conInit() the driver daemon is started with the following calls.

	// does the servo blaster device exist? (is the driver running?)
	if(!stat("/dev/servoblaster", &buf)){
		fprintf(stderr, "Servo driver already running\n");
	// execute the servo blaster daemon
	else if(system("servod --p1pins=37,38")){
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start servo driver\n");
		return -1;

Here, the program first looks to see if the driver has been started. It assumes if the device file exists, then the driver is live. Otherwise it attempts to start it with the call system("servod --p1pins=37,38").

This is where the problem was. If the driver isn't running and system("servod --p1pins=37,38") is called it forks a new child process. When that occurs all open file descriptors in the host process are automatically inherited by the child. So that means...

	int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

is thus inherited by the child process, which in this case is the servo driver. But because the driver is a daemon it will keep running after the UDP server has shut down. This means, the servo driver will keep sock open and bound to the port specified above. Which will result in an EADDRINUSE errno if a bind() to that port is attempted again.

The Solution

After some searching I found that luckily this was a very easy fix. It came down entirely to adding one function call shortly after opening the socket.

	int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
	fcntl(sock, F_SETFD, fcntl(sock, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);

The fcntl function is used to get and set properties of file descriptors. The current flags of sock are retrieved with the fcntl(sock, F_GETFD) call. Those flags are then or'ed together with the flag FD_CLOEXEC. Here's what the man pages say about that flag.

				Close-on-exec; the given file descriptor will be auto-
				matically closed in the successor process image when
				one of the execv(2) or posix_spawn(2) family of system
				calls is invoked.

Perfect! That was exactly the behavior that I had needed. And sure enough the server worked as intended. So much so that I could drive my car around from my laptop :)

A video posted by Kirk Roerig (@mrpossoms) on

article robotics electronics learning lessons programming algorithms

My First Robotics Competition: A Post-mortem

Alt For the last 9 months or so, I've been tinkering with the design, construction and implementation of a robot capable of competing in Sparkfun's AVC. AVC, an acronym for Autonomous Vehicle Competition, is a fairly straight-forward, single lap race featuring home built robotic vehicles attempting to out perform one another. Typically the race takes place annually, in Sparkfun's parking lot. The course features hay bails, jumps, and various obstacles to try your machine's navigational metal. I first learned of the race from Sparkfun's website whilst buying parts for another project a few years ago. However, this year I finally decided to give it a go.

Like so many things in life, the first go was far from flawless. I visited the race course the day before the actual event. I made a few attempts, but I was only able to make it 2/3 of the way through the track. According to other competitors, it was a much more narrow course than what it had been in years prior. What was somewhat reassuring was the amount of trouble the other competitors were also having, including those who were veterans of the event. Regardless of the outcome, much was learned. I want to take some time here to chronicle those lessons learned.

Focus on solving the problem at hand

Large projects often have countless facets that could steal away your attention from the big picture. And it's easy to let the scope creep, and grow larger and larger. It often becomes all too common (for me at least) to lose sight of what the actual end goal is, and rather, get caught up in solving various sub problems which, albeit useful, frequently detract from successfully executing your true goal. I found myself, building, reading and learning about much much more than I needed to really solve the problem. Though this is great for personal development, it doesn't immediately help win races. :)

Start Small

In a way, this goes back to the point above. Starting small, and trying to solve the problem in the most minimal way possible is the best way to begin. Over engineering a solution will result in many more problems than just those which you began with. Once you've solved the problem, then you should seek to optimize. Just remember! KISS!

One thing at a time / Keep it modular!

As I built my robot, I found myself getting stuck, bored or disinterested with certain tasks. This unintentionally introduced many down-right stupid bugs into my code. As subtlely broken systems slyly introduced their bugs into the system as a whole, bugs that proved to be very difficult to track down. This can be remedied by strickly adhering to good branching discipline, and keeping each feature modular. That way, even if you do thrash between features those that are unfinished / not totally perfect will not screw with those that are.

Modular design for any system is beneficial for a myriad of reasons. Mostly it allows different system components to be built and operate largely independently of one another. This also helps to improve over all quality and testability. Plus, if one component is found to be a pain point, rebuilding, refactoring or ripping it out will be much less painful if systems are not tangled together. Also, modular components are easier to experiment with and decrease the risk of muddying up the surrounding infrastructure and systems.

Prove it! Run experiments and tests

Do you think you got something working? Did you finally solve the problem? Don't celebrate quite yet. Be your own worst critic, try to prove that it in fact doesn't work. Setup tests that you think it might have trouble with. Run some experiments with the goal of showing your past-self to be wrong. Just accepting a success in one circumstance does not mean it won't fail miserably in another.

Put together a good test environment

You can plug away at building things and think it through as carefully as you please, but at the end of the day, you'll still need to try it out. For me this was often difficult. I started construction of this project in the winter months, and being from Michigan that meant snow, salt and water all at once. These are not the best conditions to be running a small scale robotic car in. However, it was the only way I could give the system a true test. After the fact, I realized that I would have been much better off testing a simulated car, in a simulated environment. Aside from the convenience of being able to run valid trials from the warmth of a coffee shop, the simulated environment would also allow for the freedom to carefully control different sources of interference and other environmental anomalies.

Be explicit about units

This got me into trouble a number of times. Between GPS, the IMU, rotary encoder and LIDAR sensors; mismatched unit types abounded. Despite that, I used the same vector types for nearly every one of them. This often resulted in units getting mixed with incompatible units which in turn generated all kinds of unwanted bugs that were particularly difficult to track down. I strongly suggest explicitly disallowing this kind of mixing and matching in favor of purpose built types for each unit and explicit conversions between them if you really must.

Build robust self-check / diagnostic systems

This might be a pain in the ass, but it will save you a ton of time and frustration in the long run. Especially as your project complexity grows. Many times I discovered a broken wire or some other physical failure after hunting around in my code for the culprit. Self check systems that narrow down the issue without human investigation are well worth your time. Configurable diagnostics and logging are also hugely beneficial.

Maintain version awareness

This really only applies to self contained systems that communicate with one another. Particular examples from my project included the wheel encoder micro-controller talking to the main computer. The main computer talking to diagnostic apps, and diagnostic apps and programs talking to various system daemons. A number of times I found myself stumped as to why I was getting garbage data from the robot, only to find that I had, unknowingly, slightly changed the packet structure. A simple wrapping header confirming protocol/packet version would have easily caught this oversight, and if handled correctly reported it.

Don't hesitate to refactor construction

Code gets refactored frequently, but the same should also go for mechanical/electrical parts. If something breaks don't just patch it up and leave it. It failed for a reason, and the patch will certainly fail too. Take some time to redesign given what you learned about weak points in your previous attempt.

Use utilities and tools that let you iterate quickly

I'm a fanboy for the C programming language. I love its simplicity and power. However I did find myself in situations where it was a bit of a hinderance. Trying to quickly build some algorithmic code, especially if it was math heavy, was often slow, tedious and error prone. Use higher level tools to try things out and prove validity before pursuing a final and possibly more finicky implementation. Even for the final implementation, I would recommended using a language or set of libraries that allow you to express higher level concepts with ease (such as a good C++ linear algebra library).

Robots are realtime

Robots live in our world, and time in our world marches on relentlessly. As such, a robot's accurate perception of time is key for commonly used algorithms to function correctly. Traditional, non-realtime operating systems present a problem for such algorithms. In my case, this problem was Linux. At any moment, your process can be suspended for a short time to allow another system process to run. For most applications this doesn't matter much. However, when you are integrating sensor data a fixed and very small time step will save you a lot of headache by reducing error. In my future projects, I will definitely consider deferring all highly time sensitive tasks to either a micro controller, or a computer running a proper RTOS.